If you suspect that any content on Makemake violates your copyright or trademark, let the event organizer know. If you’re unable to connect with the event organizer, please report the alleged infringement to our Trust and Safety team, our DMCA/Trademark Agent, to review. They’ll be in touch if they need additional information or to let you know they’re working on removing the infringing information from the site.

— What constitutes copyright or trademark infringement?

A copyright protects a physical work or representation from being duplicated without permission of the copyright holder. For example, paintings, songs, digital photography or graphics, and even dance choreography can be protected by a copyright.

The “copyright holder” is the person who created the work, unless ownership has been changed to someone else. It is “copyright infringement” to do any of the following without the expressed permission of the holder:

  • Copy or produce work
  • Create a new work derived from the original work
  • Sell or give away the work, or a copy of the work before the copyright/trademark owner has done so
  • Perform or display the work in public

A trademark could be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one part from those of others.

“Trademark Infringement” may occur when one party uses a trademark which is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark owned by another party, in relation to products or services which are identical or similar to the products or services which the trademark registration covers.

Learn more about Makemake’s Terms of Service.

EXAMPLE: Sam is a nature photographer and sees one of his photos being used as the logo on an event page. Sam has a “copyright” on all of his work, so using the photo without his permission is considered “copyright infringement”.

NOTE: If you don’t provide the necessary documentation, Makemake can’t remove the relevant content.

— How to report copyright or trademark infringement to Makemake

If you believe that any third-party content on Makemake violates your copyright or trademark, please report the infringement to our Trust and Safety team, which is our DMCA/Trademark Agent that works to protect the Makemake community against misuse of the software. You can email their team directly.

In order for Makemake to take action, your request, also known as a “Takedown Notice,” needs to including the following information:

  1. Your contact information (name, address, telephone number, and email address).
  2. Sufficient information to identify the copyrighted works or trademarks that are allegedly being violated, including registration number and registration office if applicable.
  3. Sufficient information to identify the allegedly infringing material, and its web address or URL.
  4. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material isn’t authorized by the owner, its agent, or the law.
  5. A statement of the accuracy of the takedown notice, and under penalty of perjury, a statement that you’re the owner of the allegedly infringing material, or you’re authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
  6. A physical or electronic signature of the person submitting the takedown notice.

Once you’ve gathered this information, you can submit your takedown notice to Makemake.

— What to expect after making a report

Once you’ve submitted your takedown notice, your report will be reviewed by our Trust and Safety team, which is our DMCA/Trademark Agent.

After receiving a valid and fully completed takedown notice, the Trust and Safety team will move quickly to remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material. They’ll also notify the alleged infringing party.

Copies of your takedown notice may also be provided to the alleged infringer, and is subject to Makemake’s privacy policy.